MouseOver Event


Occurs whenever the user moves the mouse pointer over a cell on the specified spreadsheet.

Private Sub Object_MouseOut(ByVal Button As Long, ByVal Shift As Long, ByVal Target As Range)

Object  The name of the Spreadsheet object that you are trapping this event for.

Button   The mouse button that was released. Returns 1 if the primary mouse button was released, 2 if the secondary mouse button was released, or 4 if the middle mouse button was released.

Shift  The state of the SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT keys. Returns 1 if the SHIFT key was pressed, 2 if the CTRL key was pressed, or 4 if the ALT key was pressed. Returns 0 if neither the SHIFT, CTRL, nor ALT keys were pressed.

Target  A Range object that represents the cell or cells that the mouse pointer was moved over.


For information about using events with VBScript, see Declaring and Using Event Procedures in VBScript.